What you need to do

Yes, it is true. God does love you - so much that he sent his only son to die in your place, to take on the punishment that you (and I) deserve.

All you need to do is unwrap God's gift to you. The Bible describes the unwrapping process like this: repent, believe and be baptised.
  • repent: decide that you want to stop living your way and start living God's way from now on; tell God you're sorry for all the bad stuff you've thought and said and done and that you want to stop that and start a new and better life, living the right way.
  • believe: trust God that the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross really is all that you need so that you can have your sins forgiven.
  • get baptised: as you go under the water, your old self will be buried, and as you come out of the water you'll come out to a new life with Jesus, clean not physically but spiritually, purified from all the muck that has stuck to you throughout the years. A completely new start!

God's amazing offer is free and is available for anyone. No sin too big, no life too messed up. Jesus can deal with anything. Trust him. He's been doing it for over 2000 years - changing lives!

P.S. But what if I'm Jewish?
You may be reading this and thinking, "That's all fine but it's not for me, I'm Jewish."
Well, so am I.
And, more importantly, so is he.

Find out more at http://www.jewsforjesus.org/answers

or at http://www.shalom.org.uk/library/library.html

the next steps

If you have chosen to repent and trust in Jesus for your salvation, then you need to find a Bible-believing church near you (or a Messianic fellowship if you're Jewish and live where there is one), so that you can be baptised and start this new life, meeting regularly with others who can help you on the journey. And get hold of a Bible and start reading it. (The Gospels are a pretty good place to start if you're totally new to all this.) Oh, and of course carry on talking to God - he loves you, and he's been waiting all these years for you to come and have a chat. He's always ready to listen, and to help and guide you.

I've also started a blog about my faith: